I make cute and lewd art and animations. If you enjoy my work, please consider supporting me on Patreon!

Age 29, Male



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C. Crashing Corn Boss loading screen

Posted by alfa995 - December 5th, 2010

Hello Newgrounds, I hope you are enjoying my most recent animations, I just wanted to announce that my next Castle Crashing animation will be the Corn Boss fight. It brings back good memories doesn't it?

Here's a picture of the loading screen, and as you can see, "My ad code is working..." yes, I'll try to put an ad, I'm curious about them...so you have any experience using them please tell me.

Well that's it, I'll make more posts as I advance in the process of animating this flash. If you have any questions about this or future flashes, just ask :)

C. Crashing Corn Boss loading screen



Say...who do you think would win in a fight? Castle Crasher or Red Baron?
<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/alvinhew/red-baron-vs-castle-crashers">http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/al vinhew/red-baron-vs-castle-crashers</a>

If the 4 Castle Crashers are lvl 256, nobody will have a chance xD

You know whats funny is that I 've started on a Simple sight, Necromancer fight video, unfortunatly after the Barberian Boss, it left me uneasy that someone came up with it, so I stopped for a short time and came back to it, and now the Troll Boss, so I know feel like I have been wasting my time, I got ripped off, and if I finish and submit it, I will get a load of hate comments, well still good funny coincidence, I guess I can always finish it for Pico Day, Good Work on the Animations, and hopefully this will improve your overall skills,
-Sincerely the Dude that got his Flash stopped due to coincedence

Man, you make it sound like it was my fault that you're not going to continue with your flash. If you finish it I don't think you will get "a load of hate coments", maybe just one or two will say that I made something similar, but it's your decision.

-Sincerely the boy that doesn't have an Xbox360 nor a PS3.

awesome when is it out and u know wat u should do for the next one the painting boss

The funny thing is...the Red Baron doesn't level up. He doges and attacks.

Every hit counts and even if it takes 256 hits *1 point per hit, the Red Baron will try and attack with flawless precision and unlimited stamina.

Basically if you've ever tackled Mindchamber's Flash game on survival mode, the only way you can beat bosses over 150 kills is to NOT GET HIT ONCE!

That what makes the picture so epic.

Well dude I 've got progress done, and I've continued everynight for about 2 months
since I just have one hour to waste for now, dont feel guilty, it is a funny coincidence to me, plus it is also to a point my problem since my pen stopped working thus had to redo the symbols and crap, so this is all a mere funy coincidence, well I look foward to see you improeve more, you are onto something.(

Your animations are the BEST!

yeah...... the bosses in castle crashers are pretty darn weird so there are plenty funny ideas

@JakBaronKing @alfa995 What? .

Nice .